Saturday, July 20, 2013

new bracing design on the Tenor


  1. dear john, i wonder if you can write to me? i cannot reach you, and it's great you just posted this. i hope you can see my comment? i want to ask you to make a uke for me please!!

    walkingofftheearth AT gmail



  2. hi john, i am still interested in buying a pocket uke. it does not have to be like mark's airport uke. when you asked me what features i liked, his really stood out to me. but i am quite flexible. it's for some friends, for their baby. when he gets to be about 3 or so, he'll be able to start trying it.

    i have an opportunity to to give it to them for christmas. and the next opportunity would be at the end of january.

    what do you think? you can write to me at:

    walkingofftheearth AT gmail


